
Sinus pain and pressure affect millions of people. From seasonal allergies to chronic pain or sinus infections, the pressure and stuffiness of clogged sinuses can really take a toll on your daily life! Congestion, pain, pressure, headaches, and even sleep disrupted by snoring all make living with sinus pain a nightmare for many people

Massage therapy and acupuncture, coupled with essential oils, can do wonders, helping alleviate pain and pressure that regular medications just can’t. But for many people, the expense of these regular procedures and finding time in their day to schedule them is hard.

These procedures are nearly impossible to perform at home, too. But not anymore – with the invention of the Sinutowel!

Effective Sinus Relief At Home

The Sinutowel is a wearable, towel-based device that combines the essences of massage and acupuncture in a comfortable towel form that you can use at home. Three different working modules mimic the different pressure of a sinus massage, while the warm towel soothes pain and aids relaxation.

The Sinutowel is built to hold and disperse essential oils, as well, which provide natural healing and relaxation, allowing your breathing passages to open up as the tension subsides. A detachable hot or cold wrap helps provide custom treatment options.

Designed for multiple uses, the Sinutowel can provide the right sinus treatment when you need it. Best of all, this treatment may be used every day! 

Behind the Invention

Inventor Charlene E. Pope of Denton, TX, a licensed massage therapist, was used to taking care of clients who came to her for relief from sinus pressure and tension headaches. Charlene knew there had to be a better way for her clients to enjoy these benefits at home. The result? The Sinutowel!

This invention is a wearable towel-like device with three different modes which can target specific problem areas, depending on the wearer’s needs. It’s easy for individual use for at-home sinus pain and pressure and has essential oils for different treatment options. The hot/ cold wrap helps ease inflammation or swelling.